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Fan Interview

One of the best things about belonging to the booking community is not only the authors that we get to love and hope to interview, but the people who we can relate to that love our books just as much, just as more, as we do.

Since joining the bookstagram community, I have met some pretty amazing people. I reached out to one who looked like she had much in common with me based on her photos and she agreed to an interview. Please welcome Marketa from @mlovesreading!

1. You have a beautiful bookstagram. What inspires you to take the shots that you do?

Thank you so much! I usually participate in photo challenges and I combine more of them, so it gives me a pretty clear image of what I want to take a photo of. And when I'm shooting without any challenges I just look at my feed and if I hadn't taken picture of some book or series I do that.

2. Harry Potter is a global craze, just as strong now as when it started. When did you first become a fan and what was it like for you to read the books for the very first time?

I became a fan before I even knew how to read. I remember forcing my parents and grandparents to read it to me over and over again! It opened a door to a whole new world and I became addicted in the first few chapters.

3. How would you describe the fandom and how it has impacted your life?

Harry Potter fandom is simply amazing! I bonded with so many people over it and found some amazing friends that way.

4. Who is your favorite Harry Potter character and why?

That's a hard one but I think I'll have to go with Neville. He's not as smart as Hermione or as pretty as Harry, but he's the most loyal of them all and actually one of the bravest, if not the bravest of them all.

5. One of the biggest themes in Harry Potter is of course the friendship. Do you have any friends like Harry has in Ron and Hermione? Do they like to read like you do?

I probably have one friend that is like that. I can tell her everything and even if we don't talk for a couple of days, it doesn't matter because our friendship is that strong. And no, she doesn't really read. She plays video games though.

6. A few years ago, the YA community was a lot smaller than it is today. Many people would argue that it has become as big as it has because of HP, do you think you will continue to read YA books after you have "outgrown" the age group?

I think I will continue reading it. I'll probably go after the ones where the main characters aren't 15 or 16 though - those tend to be a little too naive for me. And way too annoying. It's not like that with all of them, but mostly I don't have enough nerves to deal with them.

7. When and if you have kids, how old do they have to be before you read to them the Harry Potter books?

The first book before they reach 11. I want them to feel the same disappointment as me when I didn't receive my letter (I'm mean). And then I don't know. I think I read the last book when I was around 13, so I guess I'd let them read one HP book in about half year :D

8. What do you think about the movies and how they compared to the books?

Some movies I like more than the books (Prisoner of Azkaban, except for how they portrayed Dumbledore), some books I like better than movies (The Order of Phoenix). I love both the movies and the books. I think that the first two movies followed the books the best.

9. What is your favorite book that is not from the world of Harry Potter?

Another hard one! At the moment it's probably ACOMAF, then I love Illuminae, Eragon, Six of Crows, LOTR, The Guardians of Time, Cinder, Outlander, Empire of Storms.. And I could go on and on and on.

10. What book world, and sorry, you can't pick HP, would you want to live in if you could?

Middle Earth post Sauron. The Lunar Chronicles post Levana. Narnia post the White witch. Prythian. Ravka. (Sorry, I couldn't pick just one)

11. A popular trend in Hollywood right now, is re-making movies. How would you feel if in 10, 15, 20 years from now they decide to re-make all of the HP movies?

I'm not sure. At the moment I feel like no one can replace all the HP actors. But it'd be interesting to watch how they do it, what would they change. And the effects would definitely be out of this world.

12. If you could tell JK Rowling anything, what would it be?

Thank you.

13. Many people say that reading is for nerds only, what would you say to those people?

That they should care about themselves. So what if I like to read. SO WHAT. Someone likes to play video games, someone likes to read, someone likes to play sports. I don't care what someone does in their free time and they shouldn't either.

14. What is your favorite book to movie adaption?


15. What is your reading ritual? Like where is your favorite place to read/what do you drink while reading, etc?

I like to read everywhere, but the best place is my bed, snuggled up (it's so comfyyy). And if I have some ice team beside me, that's even better.

Thank you all for joining us. it was such a fun interview to do. I hope that I can interview more of my bookstagram followers! Until next time!

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