New Years Goals and Resolutions

So here we are in another year. Looking back, I did not meet many of my goals that I had for last year. I am trying to set some goals for myself this year that I really can do. Towards the end of the year, I started reading less that I started off. That was because of some personal issues and stuff in life I needed to get through but I am ready to fall in love with reading again. So here we go with my list for reading and life.
1. Potty train my baby. He is 2 years 7 months, if he is going to go to school in August he needs to be trained.
2. Wean my son. Due to some difficulties with his other family and father I am his only comfort, so he nurses when he is hungry or upset. We need to find another outlet for him.
3. Take a trip to a new location to continue to explore and grow with my son.
4. My Goodreads reading goal is 50. My lowest goal yet but I have been passing all my goals so I figure I won't feel guilty for aiming low and I would be really sad if I put it too high and did not reach it.
5. Write. Every year I say I am going to finish my novel. I've been working on it for 5 years and just have it half way done. The thing is I still love it as much as the day I had the idea. I still want to be a writer and I just have to accept that it will get done when it is done. As long as I still love it that is what is important. I need to do this for me.
6. Get a part time job while my son is at school. I haven't worked since March 2016 when my pregnancy got so bad I could hardly get out of bed.
7. Lose 10-15 pounds and keep it off!!!!!!
8. Work on my blog and instagram (bookstagram) better. I have been slacking on both!
9. See a new ballet or broadway show. My goal is Anastasia in Denver in August. I do this once or twice a year and it is just for me. I have to learn that doing something for me alone once in a while is healthy! (People keep telling me that but I have yet to believe it. Seriously my life is my son)
10. Strengthen my religion and faith. I am a catholic and I was raised that way but lately, while I believe and love God whole heartedly, I find myself annoyed with our churches and it hurts my faith.
I think these 10 goals are doable and reasonable. They seems like things I can work hard on and achieve so I don't feel bad like I felt bad for not really meeting last years goals.
I hope to have you all follow me on this journey of a new year and new book discoveries both old and new.
And as this blog is called Honestly YA the majority will be YA books but also biographies, autobiographies and some Chic Lit.