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Into 2020

Here we are days in to 2020. It is so crazy how fast time is going by. In a few short months Aiden will be four!

1. Potty train my baby. He is 2 years 7 months, if he is going to go to school in August he needs to be trained.

This ending up being a success! Aiden more or less woke up one day and decided he was going to be potty trained. He would not use his diapers anymore because he wanted his paw patrol big boy shorts. After so many struggles it was suddenly easy.

2. Wean my son. Due to some difficulties with his other family and father I am his only comfort, so he nurses when he is hungry or upset. We need to find another outlet for him.

Well, this is not a full success but not a fail either. For the last 5 weeks he has stopped nursing before bed but he does a little bit during the day and before nap. He has cut down a lot so that is an improvement.

3. Take a trip to a new location to continue to explore and grow with my son.

This was a success! We took a family vacation at the beginning of December to Sea Island Georgia and had an amazing time! Aiden didn't even want to come home and has been asking to return every day since we have been back. We also took a short weekend vacation to Carlsbad Caverans which he greatly enjoyed as well, my little travel bug

4. My Goodreads reading goal is 50. My lowest goal yet but I have been passing all my goals so I figure I won't feel guilty for aiming low and I would be really sad if I put it too high and did not reach it.

Met! I was able to reach my goal and pass it by a lot! I read over 100 books and have discovered new authors and amazing books. Being so busy with my toddler meant a lot of late night reading after he fell asleep or during his nap time, but that is my favorite way to spend my time when I am not busy with life stuff.

5. Write. Every year I say I am going to finish my novel. I've been working on it for 5 years and just have it half way done. The thing is I still love it as much as the day I had the idea. I still want to be a writer and I just have to accept that it will get done when it is done. As long as I still love it that is what is important. I need to do this for me.

Goal, not really met. I never finished the novel. I added a bit, edited it some, changed the main characters name yet again but have not finished. Sigh. Also tested out a couple of other ideas I had and nothing on that front either.

6. Get a part time job while my son is at school. I haven't worked since March 2016 when my pregnancy got so bad I could hardly get out of bed.

Goal was NOT met. My son did not start school for me to get a job and that is ok. I have continued to work with him and for my mom and dads business but things will change this year I hope.

7. Lose 10-15 pounds and keep it off!!!!!!

Can we not talk about this? Goal NOT MET!

8. Work on my blog and instagram (bookstagram) better. I have been slacking on both!

My blog hasn't improved really, bookstagram was ok, not so bad but not great either. There for, goal not fully met.

9. See a new ballet or broadway show. My goal is Anastasia in Denver in August. I do this once or twice a year and it is just for me. I have to learn that doing something for me alone once in a while is healthy! (People keep telling me that but I have yet to believe it. Seriously my life is my son)

I was able to see CATS on broadway so MET! I loved the show, my parents babysat Aiden at the hotel so it was a win win!

10. Strengthen my religion and faith. I am a catholic and I was raised that way but lately, while I believe and love God whole heartedly, I find

myself annoyed with our churches and it hurts my faith.

Goal met in some ways. I have not attended mass the way I have wanted but I am at peace with my love for God and being able to pray. I have even taught my son his first prayer so I am proud of myself for that.

Now, goals for this year.

1. Wean 100%

2. Read 75 books

3. Figure out the next chapter of my life

4. Find a new passion and obsessing with One Direction all of a sudden does NOT count! I don't even like a lot of their music really, just amuse myself with their interviews from the past and listen to Harry Styles solo music. Shocking I know.

5. See a new show (I know, same as last year but really, it is important to me, besides, Hamilton is supposed to be coming eventually!)

6. Write. Maybe get 3/4 of the book done since I am a bit over half way done?

7. Find a new balance with Aiden. 3 is hard. My threenager is hard to deal with and we butt heads a lot and it reduces me to tears often. I want our relationship stronger, not to be harder.

8. Take another family trip with Aiden and my parents. Somewhere new or old, doesn't matter, just more memories.

9. Figure out what school is best for Aiden and help him be fully ready to start.

10. Cross an item off my bucket list, add more to my bucket list to continue growing.

If you have made it this far, thank you for reading. Happy New Year!

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