ACOTAR Trilogy

I am one of the lucky people that grew up reading Harry Potter as they were being written. It was so magical and a life changing time to go through. Then I discovered The Twilight Saga. I found out about them 3 days after Breaking Dawn had been published. I became crazy obsessed with both series and a complete fangirl. On many social media's, I created a screen name TwiHardPotterFan to show how much I loved both. While I will always be a huge Potterhead and yes, still a Twihard, I have gone through the years reading books that are awesome and so much fun, but I have no felt that connect in such a long time.
Being a writer, I have worked hard on a story idea and writing what I hope is my debut novel. I felt like I had to start really making connections and figured the best way would be to have this blog and join Instagram as bookstagram. I have been having so much fun meeting new people, taking photo's and connecting over something I love so much. I have been lucky to be being introduced to so many good reads and if there is one thing I kept coming up on is A Court of Thorns and Roses.
Here is what has been missing. That massive, obsessive, fangirl lust of a book! I fell head over heels in love with ACOTAR. I shipped Fayre and Tamlin, and I knew something was going to happen that Rhys would take a big role and so many people were in love with him. I kept saying, I wouldn't do that, I wouldn't fall for Rhys but I did and I fell HARD! He is now on my book boyfriend list giving some heavy competition to Mr. Edward Cullen as the number one book boyfriend.
I am blessed to have gotten into ACOTAR, ACOMAF and ACOWAR. They occupied my mind, help me get through this stuff stage of my custody issues and when I am not devoting myself 100% to my son and get some me time, I was tearing through the trilogy.
There are just so many amazing characters. And I would LOVE to see the books be turned into a movie like it might happen and yet, I don't want the books to be destroyed by being made into a movie. Sarah J Maas has made it impossible for me to think who would be good enough to play these characters that are so dear to my heart. On Goodreads, I gave all three books 5 stars and I am thrilled that the series is going to continue. I don't know what to think of who the books will be about, or what is going to happen but that is ok because I love all of them.
The inner circle is a group that you just want to know in real life. They are the friends and family that would be so amazing to be a part of. They have the magic of Harry Potter characters (no I don't mean wand magic) and they have the loyalty of family like the Cullens. I want a group of friends like this to be my family.
And while I am so happy to have all of these books in my life, it is so scary to be writing my own book because there is so much out there that is stunning and amazing and I don't have the writing talents of Sarah J Maas or JK Rowling.
All in all, I highly recommend this lovely trilogy to the world. While ACOTAR is a Beauty and the Beast re-telling, the other two books become so much more! You will laugh and cry and fall in love and get so angry while you read these books.
So that is my rave/review! Thank you for taking time to read it.