
Since my last post, I have read a few good books, I went on vacation and am reading to keep pushing forward. I decided for this year, I would read 50 books and I have actually surpassed my goal. I have read 54 books so far this year and I am proud of myself.
Recently I have decided to take the plunge and give Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas a chance. I have enjoyed it enough that I bought the next book in the series as well as the prequel. I do not have the feelings for it that I have for ACOTAR but I am still going to read it.
I just finished reading Fireworks by Katie Contugo, a contemporary book that was cute, I gave it a 3.75 stars. I find myself rating harder than I have in the past. Thanks to bookstagram, I have found so many good reads this year that I am raising my standards a bit.
I am still working on and planning my novel that I have been trying to get done for a year. I thought for sure 2017 was the year that I would finally get it finished and quarried out and here we are, August and I have made almost zero progress. I can't type when the baby is napping because the sound will wake him, like Iread when he is napping. I still have a few months left to get some work done. I want more than anything to publish this novel and have at least ONE person who isn't a friend or family to buy and read it. I don't expect to get rich and famous, I just want my dream of being a published writer to come true.
I also recently read A Gentlemans Guide to Vice and Virtue. It was pretty slow getting into and I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy it at all, but it did get better and I ended up enjoying it. I will even read the sequel. This book is a historical fiction road trip novel set across Europe. You all know how much I love the abroad books! I don't find myself to be narrow minded with the gay theme of the book, I just have never read a book about a gay character before. Two of my best friends are gay males so I am surprised it took me so long, I don't know why really. It just hasn't really been my thing to read I guess.
Throne of Glass was a good book. Sarah J Maas does deserve the love she gets. I was so unsure if I was going to read this series. I adored ACOTAR but was a bit intimidated to read TOG. I heard it was a Cinderella re-telling but didn't find it to be so. Then I read later that it started off that way and moved away from that just had some nods to Cinderella. It wasn't what I expected at all and in some ways I am glad.
SJM is the type of author I wish I could be. I can feel her passion for her stories as I read each book. She seems like a down to Earth person who is also very funny. As much as I resisted her, I am proud to call myself a fan of her work.
Little Black Dresses, Little White Lies as a contemporary ready I took with me to Florida. It was a cute read, easy and just fun. I love fashion, I love picturing myself writing for a career and though maybe there was a teeny tiny nod to The Devil Wears Prada, it was unique enough to find it fresh. I bought this book when it first came out, was so eager to read it and then got distracted by other books, so I am happy that I finally read this.
As I continue to read wonderful books, build this blog, build my bookstagram and continue to dream of being a writer, I am finding a place in my heart for happiness that I had lost from my hard past. Being a mom and discovering these new parts of myself is what I have gained from this wonderful community and I thank all of you who have started to follow me and hope we can continue to grow and discover together. The booking community is a wonderful place and I am glad I found my home.