A Map For Wrecked Girls

I just finished reading AMFWG today. I gave it between a 3.75 to 4 star rating. I enjoyed the concept of the story a lot. But the thing is it felt familiar in many ways.
We sat at the edge of the ocean—my sister Henri and I—inches apart but not touching at all. We'd been so sure someone would find us by now. Emma had always orbited Henri, her fierce, magnetic queen bee of an older sister, and the two had always been best friends. Until something happened that wrecked them. I'd trusted Henri more than I'd trusted myself. Wherever she told me to go, I'd follow. Then the unthinkable occurs—a watery nightmare off the dazzling coast. The girls wash up on shore, stranded. Their only companion is Alex, a troubled boy agonizing over his own secrets. Trapped in this gorgeous hell, Emma and Alex fall together as Emma and Henri fall catastrophically apart. For the first time, I was afraid we'd die on this shore. To find their way home, the sisters must find their way back to each other. But there’s no map for this—or anything. Can they survive the unearthing of the past and the upheaval of the present?
This is a newer release so be warned I will talk about the book which may include spoilers.
The way the story was set, being stranded on an island and the way the story moved to the events that led the sisters to where they were in their relationship when they were stranded was done very well. The thing that lowered my rating as that of course they had to be fighting about a guy. Can't there be something more creative for sisters who are best friends to fight over that isn't a guy problem? That story line has become something I am getting tired of in books. There can be other reasons for sisters to fall out.
The other problem I had was how Emma practically couldn't survive with out Henri and it seems that it was the same way with Henri. I celebrate their sibling bond and their friendship but I didn't celebrate how they seemed to co-depend on each other. Luckily, the ending of the book redeemed that for me. It wasn't a perfect ending but I still appreciate it.
Jessica has a very vivid writing style. I could picture myself on the island with Alex, Henri and Emma. Sometimes I almost smelt the salt water and felt the heat of the sun.
The fears in a lot of this were so real, the wondering if they would survive.
They also were stranded a lot longer than I thought. I went into the story thinking they would be lost a week and was pleased when it wasn't that short of a struggle. The length of time made the story more realistic for me.
Over all I did enjoy the book. It isn't a new favorite like some other books I have read this year but I would recommend this book to others who enjoy stories about siblings or survival.