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April Wrap Up

Well I have to say that April was a very successful reading month for me. I think I read more this month than any other so far this year. Checking my GoodReads progress, I am 35 out of 55 books in! I am extremely proud of how well I have been managing to be a full time mom, help my parents business, deal with court and still read as much as I have been. Here is the list of my April reads.

1. To Kill A Kingdom by Alexandra Christo. A dark Little Mermaid re-telling, this book was amazing and so much fun getting into. I was in love with this story and all of the characters. Lira was a kick butt female characters. I highly recommend this book to everyone.

2. I Have Lost My Way by Gayle Formun. Of course this was an emotional roller coaster of a read. Gayle would not have it any other way. It kept my attention through out the entire book, however I didn't feel like the ending was enough. I wanted more resolved.

3. Emergency Contact by Mary Choi. I enjoyed this sweet contemporary book. It wasn't what I had expected after hearing it so hyped on BookTube, but I still did enjoy it a lot. The struggles between the two main characters in many ways felt fresh and their stories were told in a way that I could enjoy reading it.

4. Finding Felicity by Stacy Kade. Yet another contemporary on my list, this one made me hesitate as it has to do with the TV show Felicity and I never watched it growing up so I was unsure that I could follow it. I was so pleased to find it enjoyable and the main character is someone we can all relate to during the times in our lives where we don't feel like we fit in or we might lie a bit to make our lives sound better. I have personally never told a lie as big as the one in this story but I found it something I could relate to.

5, 6, 7. A Night In With Audrey Hepburn/A Night In With Marilyn Monroe/A Night In With Grace Kelly by Lucy Holliday. These are not young adult books but adult contemporary. I HIGHLY enjoyed these books and totally recommend them to everyone. The cast is so much fun and you fall in love with these characters. Libby, the main female character is far from perfect which just makes her so much better. I had had A Night In With Audrey and Marilyn on my Ipad TBR for a while and I am kicking myself that I did not read these books sooner. They are that good. If you want a cozy night in, these books are for you and yes, I think fans of YA will like these books as well. Shout out to my gleeful new find!

8. Romancing The Throne: I am not sure if this is YA or an adult book. To me it could read as either but I loved it. I love books that have to do with royalty and this one was cute, sweet, fluffy and just fun to dive into. Sounds like your type of contemporary? Then pick it up right away!

9. Anya's Ghost by Vera Brosgol. My very first graphic novel read. It has been on my TBR for a while and I have seen it a lot on BookTube so I was happy to get into it. It was something I ending up enjoying a lot.

10. Queens of Fennbirn by Kendare Blake. I already have a review on my previous blog about this!

11. One Dark Throne by Kendare Blake: Book two in the book. I didn't want to read it release day like I always do with Kendare books so I held off and held off and I FREAKIN LOVED IT. A seriously amazing book. If you haven't gotten to it yet. GO!

There we go. 11 books this month! Ok maybe 9 books, a graphic novel and two novellas in one book binding but STILL such a great month.

This month seemed to be mostly around contemporary! I didn't plan that just like in March I didn't plan that most of the books I would read would be from the LBGT community but they were. Some how with out trying, my months are themed lol. Will be back soon with my hopeful TBR for May.

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