Meghan: A Hollywood Princess

Here is another peek into my life that maybe some of you don't know about. I am an Anglophile and a Royalist. I love the British Monarchy, and I do love to learn about the different royal families of the world, but the British family, is my favorite. I remember how excited I was when Kate Middleton finally became Duchess Catherine. I went through such an extensive obsession, buying all the royal magazines on them that I could! My grandma was very into it as well.
When the royal wedding happened, she was very sick and thought she was about to die, she had just had a major surgery and was at home recovering. Her bed was in our living room since it was easier to take care of her and I would sleep with her. Even though she was so sick, she and I stayed up the entire night to watch the wedding. Though I have so many memories of her, that remains one of my favorites. I may have lied to my job and called out sick for it to happen. Ssshh!
So naturally, when Harry went and got engaged I was both excited and sad. My grandma passed away and had hoped Harry would get married before she died. Of course I will honor and stay up the whole night to watch the royal wedding with her in memory.
Now honestly, I have never seen Suits. I never heard of Meghan before she started going out with Prince Harry. I am excited that she is bi-racial and an American but I have been curious to know more about her so I picked up this book to read before the wedding.
When Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were set up by a mutual friend on a blind date in July 2016, little did they know that the resulting whirlwind romance would lead to their engagement in November 2017 and marriage in May 2018. Since then, our fascination with the woman who has smashed the royal mold has rocketed. So different from those coy brides of recent history, Meghan is confident, charismatic, and poised; her warm and affectionate engagement interview won the hearts of the world. In this first-ever biography of the duchess-to-be, acclaimed royal biographer Andrew Morton goes back to Meghan's roots to uncover the story of her childhood growing up in The Valley in Los Angeles, her studies at an all-girls Catholic school, and her fraught family life-a painful experience mirrored by Harry's own background. Morton also delves into her previous marriage and divorce in 2013, her struggles in Hollywood as her mixed heritage was time and again used against her, her big break in the hit TV show Suits, and her work for a humanitarian ambassador-the latter so reminiscent of Princess Diana's passions. Finally, we see how the royal romance played out across two continents but was kept fiercely secret, before the news finally broke and Meghan was thrust into the global media's spotlight like never before. Drawing on exclusive interviews with her family members and closest friends, and including never-before-seen photographs, Morton introduces us to the real Meghan as he reflects on the impact that she has already had on the rigid traditions of the House of Windsor, as well as what the future might hold.
I found the book to be very interesting. I gave it a good rating because I found that it read well. I have no idea how accurate it is, I heard some people weren't happy with it, but I found it informative and highly interesting. Meghan is an intriguing person whom I read things about that sort of annoyed me, and there were lots of things that made me cheer her on.
I must confess, I have always been team Chelsea and had always wanted her to marry Harry but if Meghan is the one who makes him happy, I can get behind that. I am glad Harry is standing up for what he believes in and doesn't let her race or divorce status to make him leave her. I am usually a traditionalist in most things but the whole racial issue? Disgusting. It sickens me that we live in 2018 and are still having problems with people sneering at black people or using the N word or hating Mexicans. I am a proud mix race of blood from Spain, Portugal, France, England and I believe even some Native American and wouldn't change that for anything.
Reading about her struggles for being half black half white, reading about how people wold constantly make racist comments in front of her as if she wasn't there made me so irritated! She is a person, NOT a skin color. We are ALL people and should not be defined by anything else but how we treat others. I am going off on a bit of a tangent here but I think we need to focus on the bigger problems of the world and not that the fact a woman with black blood in her is going to marry a ginger royal. There is a lot of how dare shes? and frankly people need to get over them selves.
I recommend this book to those who are interested on learning more about a strong women who stands up for her rights and the rights of other women.
If you want to know more about the newest royal, I suggest this book because I think Mr. Morgan did a fine job.
I watched the cheesy Life Time movie, I read the biography, I am ready to chug coffee and watch Harry, my childhood crush (I let go of William long ago) find his fairy tale ending.