May Wrap UP

Hi everybody! Welcome to my May wrap up! I cannot believe that another reading month has flown by! And I am so far ahead of my goals for this reading year! I am so excited about that. Who would have thought with my son, who just turned two, that I would have a tiny bit of life to read? There were even a couple of nights where I was too tired to read and fell asleep but I accomplished 9 books this month! I did not get to two books on my list, but I am still very pleased with what I read. Here is an over view
Lizzie by Dawn Ius: A modern re-telling of the Lizzie Borden story, it was an interesting read! I really enjoyed this new take on Lizzie and what drove her to the crimes and I kept forgetting that it is set in the modern world. I have a confession to make, the entire time I read this, I kept craving meatloaf. Sometimes I think I have issues! I really enjoyed reading this and exploring characters in a different way and do recommend this book but please remember, this is a work of FICTION! The author didn’t write a biography.
A Court Of Frost And Starlight by Sarah J Maas. A novella that followed ACOWAR. I hear a lot of mixed reviews on this. That there is no plot, that it did not need to be written but honestly, I loved it. I thought it was a cute short story that let us see our characters trying to rebuild their lives after the terrible war. It is setting up for the next part of the series and I really hope that the next book is novel size and not another novella. Novella’s just aren’t enough. I am greedy when it comes to SJM.
Rome In Love by Anita Hughes two words for you. Audrey Hepburn. You all know that I am obsessed with AH. She is perfection, she is life goals, she is the woman I would be in love with if I were into women. Ok I do have girl crush on her, but who doesn’t crush on Audrey and want to be her? Rome In Love is a story about an actress who is playing the role of Princess Ann in a Roman Holiday re-make. She finds a stack of letters that were written by Audrey herself and she reads them as she goes through heart break, falling in love, making the movie, and friendship. I did enjoy this book, but it isn’t my favorite Audrey book. I still think that belongs to Holly Would Dream.
Meghan: A Hollywood Princess by Andrew Morton. How could I not read this before the royal wedding? I HAD to! And I found it very interesting to get to know Meghan who I knew nothing about before. She seems to be a lovely and intelligent person and I think she would be good for Harry. I stayed up all night for the wedding and just loved it. They make a very handsome couple and I am looking forward to seeing the impact they can make together on the world. For those looking to learn more about the Duchess of Sussex, this is a great book to read.
Aru Shah and the End of Time by Roshini Chokshi I hesitated going into this one. I found the concept really interesting, but I had not read any Rick R books. I KNOW he didn’t write Aru but it is his style of book I think? Anyway, I did have a hard time getting into it but the further I went, the better it was until I ended up loving it! I plan on reading the next book in this series and am very pleased with how it turned out!
Love and Luck by Jenna Evans Welch. I crave these books. The ones set abroad that I live viciously through! This sweet contemporary was exactly what I needed. I even wrote the author some new title and country ideas I had for her to consider for the future, Love and Tapas Spain anybody? Now that I think about it, I never heard back! I highly recommend this book to travel lovers!
Together at Midnight by Jennifer Castle This was a read I was not expecting that I just stumbled on! I liked the idea of performing random acts of kindness. I like how it was handled and the reactions of the people after world. This book is told in a few different point of views but it was very enjoyable. Another great contemporary book.
According to Audrey by Happy LaShelle. AUDREY AGAIN! This one was about an artist who is a fan of Audrey Hepburn and uses her as an idol to look up to. I have never heard of Happy LaShelle before and was praying that I hadn’t bought a book that was sloppy and it wasn’t! The story was very well put together and a nice gem! Audrey fan? Artist fan? Cutesy fan? This book is for you.
It’s Not Me, It’s You by Stephanie Kate Strohm. Mentions of the Wakefield twins, Audrey Hepburn, In-N-Out Burger… need I say more? This book was set up in an interview format which was different than anything I have read before. It was a cute read, not anything too ground breaking and I predicted the ending pretty easily but it was still fun, fast and quirky. Recommended if you are looking for a light hearted read!