June Wrap Up

Well here we are half way through the year and I have surpassed my year goal on Goodreads! There were just some times in June where I didn't feel like reading or I was on vacation and didn't have a lot of time to read because I was running around doing other things. Anyway, here are the books I read for the month of June.
1. Prince Harry: The Inside Story: The next biography on my list. Of course after reading Meghan's story I had to read Harry's. I highly enjoyed this look into his life.
2. The Summer of Us: I was really looking forward to this book for a long time. It takes place abroad like I love and I only gave it a 3 star. The main character was just too annoying and not likeable for me.
3. Jane and the Exodus: My surprise read! You all know I loved it as I put up a review and interview on my blog!
4. When Life Gives You Lululemons: A Devil Wears Prada book. It was much better than the second book. Though I thought Miranda would have a bigger role in this one, over all I highly enjoyed it though nothing can ever match book one
5. Lie's You Never Told Me: I highly enjoyed this book and did not expect the twist at the end to be what it was! The book broke my heart and it was so hard to put down! I highly recommend this one.
6. Love and Other Unknown Variables: Yet another heart breaking story that had me crying. I still have to read the sequel but have no idea if I will be able to handle that crying again! How much heart break can a girl take? Apparently a lot because I know I will re-read this book and many other sob worthy ones!
7. The Art of French Kissing: Another low rated novel for me.
8. Mean Girls
9. The Summer of Broken Things