The Disappearance of Sloane Sullivan

Oh my wow! This book was highly addictive, crawled under my skin and into my heart. Heck! It even gave us two book boyfriends in Jason and Mark. Sawyer wasn't half bad either to be honest if a bit of a goof ball! But this story is more just about guys. It is about Sloane Sullivan and her life in the Witness Protection Program. Here is the book summary from Goodreads.
No one wants me to tell you about the disappearance of Sloane Sullivan. Not the lawyers or the cops. Not her friends or family. Not even the boy who loved her more than anyone. And most certainly not the United States Marshals Service. You know, the people who run the witness protection program or, as it’s officially called, the Witness Security Program? Yeah, the WITSEC folks definitely don’t want me talking to you. But I don’t care. I have to tell someone. If I don’t, you’ll never know how completely wrong things can go. How a single decision can change everything. How, when it really comes down to it, you can’t trust anyone. Not even yourself. You have to understand, so it won’t happen to you next. Because you never know when the person sitting next to you isn’t who they claim to be...and because there are worse things than disappearing.
I dove into this book head on. I had put it off a bit because I got it around the same time that I picked up Lies You Never Told Me and I was weary of reading two suspense books close together. While I am glad I waited so I could fully enjoy it, I am mad at myself that I waited so long to have this book in my life!
Sloane is one of my favorite reads of the year. I just fell in love with the plot, the writing and the characters. It broke my heart so many times and left me wanting to pull out my hair I got so emotionally invested!
I can't believe this is a debut because I feel it sets the bar high for other debut authors! (Looking at my poor excuse of an uncompleted draft). Gia just is a talent that I am excited to read more of her work.
I loved all of the twists this book had. I loved the emotions that became so real while I read. This book is a special gem that I feel honored to have read.
As you can tell I get extremely gushy over books I love. This is a book I could gush about for hours but I won't. All I will do is insist you read it!