New Years Goals and Resolutions
So here we are in another year. Looking back, I did not meet many of my goals that I had for last year. I am trying to set some goals for...

Monster Girl
Well here we are with book 3 of the Stargazer Series. Monster Girl is a thrilling book that I was lucky to receive from Travis in...

The Opposite of Innocent
First of all I am so sorry so much time has passed since I have last updated my blog. Life has just gotten so over whelming and I have...

The Disappearance of Sloane Sullivan
Oh my wow! This book was highly addictive, crawled under my skin and into my heart. Heck! It even gave us two book boyfriends in Jason...

June Wrap Up
Well here we are half way through the year and I have surpassed my year goal on Goodreads! There were just some times in June where I...

Jane and the Exodus
Can I just start off by saying how completely and utterly happy I am to be doing this review? When I started Honestly YA, I just wanted...

May Wrap UP
Hi everybody! Welcome to my May wrap up! I cannot believe that another reading month has flown by! And I am so far ahead of my goals for...

Meghan: A Hollywood Princess
Here is another peek into my life that maybe some of you don't know about. I am an Anglophile and a Royalist. I love the British...

Well I am going to try something new this month. I am going to pick out books and see if I can get them read in May instead of just...

April Wrap Up
Well I have to say that April was a very successful reading month for me. I think I read more this month than any other so far this year....